Im Jahr 2019In the year 2019

Local help




16. December 2019

Today Anca received a promise from TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V. to order dog food. to be able to order dog food.

Anca was able to order 22 bags of dry food for puppies.
The puppies in Anca's "Safe Place" will have a full stomach for the next few days.

In addition, Anca was able to order preparations against parasites and worming tablets for 19 puppies. TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V. also covered these costs, as well as the vaccination costs for these 19 puppies.

Many thanks to TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V.


25. November 2019

WOW - we are speechless and sooo happy.

Anca was close to tears when the early Christmas present from TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V. was delivered to her.

25 insulated, stable wooden huts were brought. Some of them were even double-occupied.

TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V. had commissioned these huts in Romania to give the dogs in the "Safe Place", as well as the street and chain dogs, the opportunity to survive the Romanian winter with protection.

Now Anca had to choose carefully where to put the huts. Where they were needed most. She chose chain dogs that had never had a roof over their heads. Or places where street dog packs lived and where the huts were tolerated and also "protected" by the residents. The dog kennels were gradually distributed with the horse-drawn cart.

Now some street and chain dogs have a "new" home. They can survive the cold winter in a dry, warm place.

A huge thank you :-) to TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V. for their generous and great help on site.


18. November 2019

A large transport of donations arrived at Anca.

In total there were 11 pallets stacked with cardboard, filled with lots of dog and cat food (dry and wet food), chewing material, treats, bowls, blankets, bedding, dog beds, transport boxes, many useful things for our furry noses and so much more. In addition, 1 pallet with clothing for children and children's toys for the orphanage in Trusesti and another pallet, also with clothing, bedding and useful items for the senior citizens' home in Trusesti.

A big thank you to a animal welfare association (they don't want to be named) who made this possible and spared no effort.

And of course a huge thank you to all the donors who supported the animal welfare association and diligently collected donations. It is only through YOUR help, donations and empathy that this great transport has been possible, making life easier/better for so many animals and people.

A huge thank you to ALL of you. :-)


Of course, we would also like to say THANK YOU to our local helpers, who tirelessly helped to the point of exhaustion today with unloading, carrying and sorting.


20. October 2019

Michael Hiemann thought of our animals again and sent Anca 2 pallets of food.

A small truck pulled up at Anca's home and 2 pallets filled to the brim with dry dog food and wet food cans. As usual, chewing material for the chain dogs was also included. Aca's joy at receiving so much good food was enormous. :-)

These food pallets were again donated and sent by Michael Hiemann, a very animal-loving person and a loyal supporter and friend.

Many thanks Michael :-)


15. October 2019

Today Anca received a promise from TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V. to order dog food. to be able to order dog food.

360 kg of dry food for adult dogs and puppies. For the next few days, the street and chain dogs as well as the puppies in Anca's "Safe Place" will get a full stomach.

Many thanks to TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V.


23. September 2019

Simply great.

Michael Hiemann paid a food bill.
So the street dogs have a full stomach for the next few days.

Thank you very much Michael :-) for your donation and friendship!


16. September 2019

Of course, the street and chain dogs need not only food but also regular medication against parasites and intestinal worms.

Thanks to the support of TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V., Anca was able to buy spot-ons and worming tablets for 200 euros. She will now gradually supply the street and chain dogs with them, as far as the dogs allow her to do so.

Many thanks to TSV Pfotenhilfe ohne Grenzen e.V.


04. September 2019

Today was the big day :-)

Today Anca was able to pick up 3 dog houses from a family friend. Two smaller ones and a big one for her dogs in the "Safe Place". Two young men built over several days and then presented their work to Anca.

The idea came about when Seby, one of Anca's helpers, overheard her telling his friend about her worry. Anca feared that in the coming winter not every dog in the "Safe Place" would have a warm hut. And she still urgently needed at least 3 hutches.

Seby told this to a friend and so the idea was born to build huts and surprise Anca with them.

And the surprise was a success. Anca was very happy about the 3 dog houses. One of them was so big that she had difficulties getting it into her car...

This was a SUPER great action by Seby and his friend.
Thank you both very much.


14. July 2019

Michael Hiemann thought of our animals again and sent Anca pallets of food.

A small truck drove up to Anca's home and brought pallets filled to the brim with dry dog food and wet food cans. Also included was chewing material for the chained dogs.

This food pallets was donated and sent by Michael Hiemann, a very animal-loving person and a loyal supporter.

Many thanks Michael :-)

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